The essential for comfort!

Our Products

Siamo specialisti nella produzione di autogiro – trike e assistenza motore.
I nostri prodotti certificati “dulv
certificate” sono il frutto della nostra passione per il tuo piacere di volare!

Our Services

We are specialists in production autogyro – trike and motor assistance.


Our company is specialized and equipped for offering overhaul, maintenance, installation service of any 2 or 4 stroke engine, in particolar on engine types 503/582/912/914/912is, thanks to the experience and collaboration with highly specialized professionals and to the availability of top of the line equipment to perform this work with all warranties and confidence for our customers.


Backed by the experience of a 50 years long activity, we can serve our customer needs using different technologies and offering professional solutions. We can offer to privates and professional customers the following services : shearing, press-bending, cutting, punching of sheet metal. CNC bending of tubes. And TIG-MIG welding.